Become a Member
(NEW INFORMATION - October 26, 2023 and November 16, 2023)
The ACBA is constantly seeking attorneys to join its ranks and welcomes new applicants who wish to participate in the vibrant practice of law among dedicated colleagues. For that purpose, the ACBA encourages those interested to follow the easy steps elucidated below to complete the process.
The applicant will first need to have passed the PA bar exam and have received a Bar of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania ID. Procedures for that process are not detailed here.
Those eligible for membership are:
1.) The judges of the Adams County Courts;
2.) A practicing attorney of the Adams County Bar. There is no longer any requirement for the applicant to maintain her/his principal office and place of law practice within Adams County;
3.) Attorneys either clerking full-time for the Judges of the Adams County Courts or employed full-time as a law clerk for a law firm which has one or more offices within Adams County;
4.) Attorneys employed full-time in Adams County in the field of judicial administration or residing in Adams County and employed full-time in the field of legal education.
The retention of membership is contingent upon the payment of annual membership dues and assessments. Law clerks working for judges are exempt from paying assessments.
To commence the process, fill out and file this petition [recently updated] in the Prothonotary’s Office (first floor) of the Adams County Courthouse (117 Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, PA). The current filing fee, which is liable to change, is $201.75. (Make check out to "Prothonotary's Office".) The applicant must also know a current member of the ACBA who can sponsor a motion to the Court that the applicant should be admitted. Although most applicants are already acquainted with a current member of the ACBA, they may receive contact information for Adams County attorneys upon request from the Executive Director by calling 717-337-9812 or emailing Also, the applicant should submit with the application a résumé for the Court to consider her/his application, and as a courtesy provide the same to the sponsor. Finally, attach a Certificate of Good Standing, which may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court via the simple process elucidated here.
The applicant will receive an Order of Court to appear at a hearing that is held during the Court Calendar’s monthly General Business day. If inducted, the successful candidate is sworn in by the President Judge and a panel of Adams County Common Pleas Court judges. The President Judge may also give a short speech of welcome and expected duties and conduct. At this time the newly accepted attorney will sign an Oath of Admission swearing to support the United States and Pennsylvania Constitutions.
A final Order of Court enrolling the successful candidate as an attorney of the said Court and a member of the Adams County Bar is sent to the new Adams County attorney, who should now contact the ACBA’s Executive Director (telephone number and email address above) to inform him and to provide the following information:
- Date the new Bar Member was admitted to the Supreme Court of PA.
- Her (or his) Supreme Court of PA ID number.
- When her Bar Exam was passed: February or July (plus year)
- Has s/he ever been a member of the PBA (Pennsylvania Bar Association)?
- The earliest date s/he was admitted to the Bar in any state and which state that is.
- Does s/he have any other state or local Bar memberships (besides the PBA/ACBA)?
After he receives this information and confirms the new Bar member’s data, the Executive Director will inform the President and Officers of the new member, who will be introduced to the ACBA’s membership at the next Bar meeting. There are no dues for the new member during the partial year in which s/he joins. There is also the option of not joining the PBA and not paying its dues in subsequent years. (The same does not apply to ACBA membership!) The Executive Director will collect both the PBA and ACBA dues annually from February to early March and will contact you at the beginning of this period.
Note that an announcement of the new attorney's status through a notice in the Adams County Legal Journal is no longer mandatory. If, however, the attorney or her/his law firm would like publicly to inform the County and legal colleagues of such a new status, contact to commence the process and obtain the Adams County Legal Journal fee for the notice.
On behalf of the ACBA, I extend to you the Bar's appreciation of the input of your talent and the ability to work with you as an honored legal colleague and advocate for justice and the rule of law.